- Fuel For Thought
- Posts
- Issue
No. 0008

Hello Folks!
We made it to issue number 8! In many places, number 8 is lucky so let’s hope that some of that will rub off on us as well! The economy is getting tougher but deals are easier to come by - it’s a double-edged sword of course. Here’s to hoping you all are doing well!
Today I wanted to talk to all of you about one of the three corners of the triangle of my success. You know how Marcus Lemonis has his saying that in his businesses, he prizes:
In my business, you’ve already heard me mention two of my foundations:
Real Estate
Today I wanted to talk to you about the third corner and the pinnacle of the triangle:
I love people. My people. Your people. All the people in the fuel business. And all the people we serve.
I do this work because it takes care of my family, but also because it takes care of your family. Of other families.
Whether you ever needed to get gas at 2 in the morning or to eat after a long day or needed a safe place to pull off the road after a scary incident on the road, we here in the gas station and convenience store business are here for you; An oasis in the endless sea of trucks and cars on our roads.
On the platform, I often write about people who come to our country from across the world. Of people who build great lives or rebuilt their lives here in the fuel business. Drivers who started with me having nothing, then in 10 years had their own fleets of trucks. People who worked the holiday night shifts at my stations and went on to become owners of their own corner gas stations.
And I speak about my own family, whose trajectory has forever changed and will forever be changed because of the fuel business.
I do this for you. I do this for all of us. For the camaraderie. For the partnerships. For the friendships. For all of our families.
If you take care of your employees and provide them a stable and good working environment, they’ll take care of your customers and in turn your customers will take care of you.
So if you’re in the fuel business or are just working on getting into this fantastic field, please know that you’ll form incredible relationships, friendships, and partnerships unlike in most other businesses out there.
While Fuel and Real estate may be the foundations of my business, taking care of People is the pinnacle of it
P.S. A reminder to all as we head into the end of the year that I partnered with ReCostSeg and their team: Melanie Baldridge (@recostseg on Twitter), her husband Mitchelle Baldridge (@baldridgecpa) and investor Nick Huber (@sweatystartup). The 80% accelerated depreciation write-off drops to 60% after December 31 so you still have time to depreciate at that higher rate.
P.S. 2. I’ll make another special announcement for you all mid-week next week to help those of you who are seriously exploring getting into the fuel business or are already in it and need some additional 1-on-1 support. Stay tuned for that on Wednesday!