
No. 0005

“So, how was your first week after going public?”, I was asked many times this week.

I revealed who I was to you all a week ago today, and it was epic! The feedback exceeded my wildest expectations, and the opportunities I was presented with the last seven days blew the previous forty-eight weeks of opportunities combined out of the water!

It was the right decision, and I wish I had done it sooner.

It’s no secret but people trust someone who’s not anonymous more than someone hiding behind a made-up name.

You are here for a reason: because you want to learn something. You want to know my secret to building an income that 99.9% of the world will never experience. You want a better life for yourself and your family, and I'm here to help. If I went broke tomorrow, here's how I would start: by helping others, before helping myself.

Put others before yourself. Unless you're getting message like this regularly from employees and customers alike, you're doing it wrong.

I received a call this week. Here is how it went:

"Boss, I just want to thank you for giving me a chance." he went on to talk about how we met and how long we have worked together." I loved hearing this. It makes your eyes well up. It's surreal and the reason I get out of bed. But it was his following comment that fired me up.

"Chris, you know the guys here would go to war for you. You changed so many people's lives." When you hear someone say this, like verbally communicate it to you, it just hits differently!

Know what they also know? They know that I would go to war for them! It's called loyalty. That's what it takes when you are building something special. A team of people willing to be selfless and put the other person first and themselves second, working towards one common goal: living and doing business for ourselves and others.

Does this stop with the employees? Absolutely not! These same values translate to the people we serve! They know they are not a number but a valued member of the infrastructure we developed.

I do that on X. We build trust, tweet by tweet, reply by reply, just as I have with my customers and staff, load by load, and text by text. I am here giving honest advice with nothing to sell.

Now, the question. How do I build this loyalty? I set the table right up front, and I never deviate.

Guess who my best sales people are? If you guessed “my customers,” you’re right. Why? Because I don’t have a salesman, so all sales are word of mouth.

What about recruiting employees? Guess who does the majority of my scouting? It’s the drivers. They go around town telling everyone how happy they are and the respect they are given.

If you use these five rules you too will be on your way to the top 99.9% life!

  1. Tell them the bad first. "Full Disclosure." ALWAYS! If there’s no bad you’re a liar.

  2. Do what you say you’re going to do.

  3. Treat everyone the way you want to be treated.

  4. Never try to convince, persuade, or manipulate.

  5. Be honest. If you lie about minor things, you'll lie about big things.

My employees are the most heavily recruited haulers out there. My customer list is the envy of the industry. I know this and earn their trust, business, and respect daily.

And this is it. It is fundamental and counter-intuitive in the sales and recruiting process. But it works and you too will be getting these messages on your phone!

I’ve launched my TikTok page, so give me a follow there!

Till Next time!