- Fuel For Thought
- Posts
- Issue
No. 0009

Good Morning!
As many of you know, my life has been one surprise after another. From parlaying cigarettes into a business to the endless stories about the infamous Randy, you all have witnessed the definition of unpredictability.
The most unpredictable event I’ve experienced to date is the milestone we reached this week: 30,000 followers. Coincidentally, we have also reached the one-year anniversary of the “Gas Biz Guy” account.
It was never easy. When you’re trying to grow, throwing in the towel seems like the best option. Giving up is easy, especially when victory seems out of reach. Allow this account to serve as living proof that things do change if you apply the secret sauce.
This radical growth has been one of the biggest surprises of my life, and I have you all to thank for it. Our vision has been simple: delivering content that adds value to your lives. Though this has mainly been business content, my ultimate hope is that I have been able to touch your lives on a deeper level.
There aren’t any gimmicks, tricks, or shortcuts to this account. Our goal has been and always will be to put you all first.
How to Maximize Employee Productivity
Think about your employees. Or better yet, think about your family. At the end of the day, they don’t want money. They don’t want glamor or fame. They want your love, care, and respect. Sure, money can help facilitate these feelings. However, money without these virtues is worthless. How do I accomplish this?
Obtainable Incentives: My guys always knock these out of the park, and it makes me beyond proud.
Work-Life Balance: I don’t set the schedule; my team does.
Clear Expectations: Do what you’re supposed to do and we won’t have a problem.
Oftentimes, I find myself cheering for these guys more than I cheer for myself. That’s how you know you’re doing it right.
Today, I’m not just cheering for them. I’m cheering for you. Each day is an opportunity for growth, and I’m eager to aid you in this process using my industry expertise and passion for personal development.
Level Up Your Biz
You all have welcomed me with open arms since stepping into the RETwit space one year ago. We’ve grown to heights that I could have never imagined, and my life will never be the same as a result.
Now, I want to return that favor. I want to take your business to new heights, shattering everyone’s expectations along the way.
Nobody gave me a chance growing up, so I want to provide you the opportunities I never had. Because of this, my doors are officially open for consultations on growing your business, the gas biz, real estate, and all other areas of my industry expertise.
If you’re ready to take your biz to the next level, book a call with me through my website.
P.S. Help us get to know our growing community better by Clicking Here. We look forward to hearing from you!